Serving the Greater Cincinnati area including Dayton, Hamilton & Nearby

Before & After

The Basement Doctor of Cincinnati Before & After Photos

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Basement Waterproofing Company in Fort Mitchell, Kentucky

The basement in this home in Fort Mitchell, KY was moldy, wet, and dusty. We offered to install our waterproofing system for the homeowner, and they agreed. Our system included our WaterGuard subfloor drains, our SuperSump sump pump, and our CleanSpace vapor barrier walls. We love when our customers opt in for the white CleanSpace walls because not only do they look great for photos, they also provide support to the drainage system. The vapor barrier allows water to flow down from the walls into the drains beneath the floor, keeping musty water smells out from your living area. The vapor barrier also makes for a great pre basement finishing product as it can protect drywall and other types of walls from water damage. Even if you don't plan on finishing your basement, the vapor barrier can stand alone as a beautiful, clean, reflective wall, covering all the cracks, stains, and dirt.  

Fixing a Tripping Hazard on a Sidewalk in Erlanger, Kentucky

We raised this concrete slab using the Polylevel injection system, and we sealed the joints with NexusPro joint sealant. 

Basement Waterproofing System Installed in Erlanger, Kentucky

This homeowner unfortunately had a finished basement that flooded an inch or two during a heavy rain storm. Luckily, only the carpet and the very bottoms of the drywall were ruined, but they were able to salvage the couch and other furniture pieces. They did not want to experience something like that again so they hired us to come and install our waterproofing system. We helped them cut out the bottom of the dry wall so we could be able to install our WaterGuard drains all around the perimeter of the basement. WaterGuard is great because it was designed to also catch water that comes from the walls. We also installed a SuperSump and an UltraSump 4 battery backed up pump. This customer won't ever have to experience a flood again.

Concrete Pad Lifted and Leveled in Erlanger, Kentucky

The concrete pad that this hot tub was resting on had settled unevenly into the soil. A hot tub resting on a concrete slab can get tricky, as the plumbing can sometimes leak or water can get splashed outside the tub. When high amounts of water saturate the soil underneath a slab, it can accelerate the concrete settling process by making the soil muddy and weak. We fixed this little problem by raising the concrete with our foam jacking methods. By drilling calculated pea-sized holes in the slab, we can then inject the PolyLevel foam underneath the slab, and raise it. 

Concrete Porch Repair in North Bend, OH

This front porch and connected walkway had become separated from the soil shifting from under them. We were able to life the sidewalk with PolyLevel foam and seal them back together. 
