Problematic Patio
In order to install the piers on the left side of the porch, we had to cut up part of this concrete patio. The right side was just soil that we had to dig up.

Helical Piers Buried
After helical piers are installed, they are buried. This keeps them out of sight. The whole porch is now stable.

Helical Piers Can Support Light and Heavy Loads
Helical Piers are designed to support both light and heavy loads.This was on the right side of the porch.

Helical Piers Installed Under Foundation
The footing of this home was pretty deep, but we were able to safely get the piers installed with our shoring method. This was on the left side of the porch.

Trench Dug for Helical Pier
This trench provides an installation point for the helical pier system. This area is in the basement and directly under the steps leading to the front porch. This was the only area we couldn't reach from outside the home. After we snapped this picture, we then attached a bracket to the pole shaped pier to make sure it latches onto the footer.

Area Patched After Helical Pier Installation
After the helical pier has been installed, the area is patched.