Sunken Patio Slab
This patio slab has sunk and you can see how this may make it harder for the homeowner to fully enjoy the patio with worries of tripping over the uneven slab.

Settling Sidewalk
This sidewalk has fallen to one side. You can see how this could cause a tripping hazard and could fill up with water during a heavy rain making the sidewalk hard to use.

Patio Repair
Now that the patio slab has been repaired, the homeowner will no longer have to deal with the tripping hazards, chairs setting unevenly, or problems rolling items across the slab.

Repaired side walk slab.
We used Polylevel Injection to raise this concrete sidewalk slab back to the level position.

Nexus Pro Crack Repair
This driveway had a crack that ran all the way across. We repaired the crack with Nexus Pro Crack Repair.

Polylevel Injection
Polylevel Injection uses a foam that is injected under the concrete slab that fills the voids and raises the concrete back into place.

Foam Leveling
Polylevel Injection was used to raise this sidewalk slab. Polylevel is usually done in a matter of hours and is quick-curing, so the slab will be able to be used the same day.