This home in Cincinnati, Ohio had unstable basement walls. We stabilized these walls with 5 wall anchors. We used tie-backs in this case for a couple of reasons.
1. The first reason was because the problem area had some obstacles like a shelf, a staircase, and a duct. Because of these obstacles, we weren't going to be able to install our I-beam system which requires some space to work with. Instead, our tiebacks require minimal space to work with from the inside of the basement.
2. Secondly, the opposite wall of the bowed wall was an exposed wall, meaning there was no soil surrounding it. Homes with walkout basements and garages are considered exposed on the walkout side. Because the exposed side has no counteractive force, (surrounding soil) the I-beam system on the bowed wall could cause the floor joists to push against the exposed side, causing some damage. However, tiebacks are perfect for this situation because they don't need a counteractive force on the opposite side of the home. Tie-backs are also commonly used for retaining walls because of this reason.
If you wish to learn more about this project, be sure to scroll through the photo album.
Geo-Lock Wall Anchors
Helical anchors are designed like a screw and can be mechanically advanced through the soil using a large machine called a drive head. From the inside of the home, tie-backs take up little space.
Area Drilled for Helical Anchor Installation
To install helical wall anchors the wall must first be drilled.
Helical Wall Anchors Installed
Helical Wall anchors are designed to be drilled through the wall and into the earth outside of the wall. This provides a point of tension that will support the wall.
Helical Wall Anchors Stabilize Walls
Helical wall anchors will keep the wall from tipping or leaning in at the top or sliding in at the bottom.
Geo-Lock Anchors are the Best
Geo-Lock anchors can have 10 times more contract with the soil, resulting in more holding power in weaker soils. On the opposite side of this wall, there was a walkout garage.
Helical Pier Buried
After the helical piers are buried they provide an out-of-sight solution from the outside. After the dirt had settled some, we came back to this project to pour and finish new concrete where we tore up the existing concrete.