Basement Waterproofing Photo Album: Basement Waterproofing Company in Trenton, Ohio
The homeowner we completed this project for had just recently moved into the home, and they had suspected their existing waterproofing system was broken because the sump pit had no water in it and because the basement smelled musty. It was an exterior system, and when our Inspector ran a camera through the sump and into the drainage system that ran outside of the home, they noticed the footer drains were clogged. Rather than having someone dig around the outside of their home to replace the drains deep in the soil, they wanted us to do an interior system. Our interior system allows us to service the system to make sure everything is working properly whenever needed. We also have transferable warranties, so if the homeowner wants to sell the home, our warranty will help ease that process. The homeowner was happy with their decision in the end knowing that they have a waterproofing company they can depend on for the long haul.
Clogged Footer Drain
This is what our Inspectors camera saw when looking into the exterior system. Footer drains that sit deep in the soil are very prone to clogging.
TripleSafe Sump Pump
Our TripleSafe sump pump is our most secure system, as it comes with three pumps including a battery backed one.
Subfloor Service Port
Our WaterGuard subfloor drainage system has service ports in case we need to take a look inside the system. You can see the port near the bottom left of the picture.
Trench Drain
We installed a trench drain near the stairwell.
Clean Up
Waterproofing can get messy, so we make sure to clean up after ourselves.