Installing the First Sump Pump
This is the first TripleSafe we installed and as you can see, it comes with two different discharge lines for ultimate protection.
Finished Basement Needs Waterproofed
This basement was finished before water damaged all the carpet and drywall.
Triple Safe Sump Pump Comes with Battery Back Up
This is one of the two sump pumps we installed for this large basement. Both sump pumps we installed come with a battery backup, so in case of power outage, this basement will still be safe from leaks.
Radon Gas Line
We actually installed one of the sump pumps next to their radon gas line. Underneath the gas line is a huge fan that sucks all the gas into the pipe. If water were to interfere with that suction, the gas could become a problem. That's why we recommended two of our strongest sump pumps for this home.
Concealed Subfloor Drains
Our patented WaterGuard drains are able to hide beneath concrete floors. After a few weeks, the homeowners can put carpet back over the cured concrete.