Drainage System
This is the liner of our TripleSafe sump pump. You can see how the subfloor WaterGuard drains connect to the pump. Also important to note: The Zoeller pumps that we eventually installed in this liner come with a stand, so they sit above the dirt collected at the bottom of the liner.

Subfloor Drains
You can see that after the concrete is poured back over the drains, it's hard to tell we were even there.

Non Invasive Drainage System
We did have to cut the drywall a couple feet up the wall, but this is far less intrusive than having to dig around your home foundation from the outside for an exterior system.

Old Sump Pit
This is the old sump that we replaced.

TripleSafe Sump Pump
The TripleSafe has a battery backup system in events of a power outage.