SuperSump Pumps Water Out of Basement
The SuperSump will take any water captured by the WaterGuard and pump it back outside. This prevents pooling water in the basement that can cause damage to the walls, floors, and fixtures.
WaterGuard Drains Water to the SuperSump
The WaterGuard will collect any water pooling in the basement and drain it to the SuperSump to be pumped back outside.
IceGuard Located Next to Discharge Line
The discharge line buried in this yard will provide a pathway for water to be released after being pumped out of the basement. In the event that the discharge line becomes compromised, the IceGuard provides an alternative pathway for releasing water.
IceGuard Prevents Basement Flooding
The IceGuard is designed to provide an alternative pathway for water to flow out of the basement in the event that the main discharge line freezes or becomes clogged.