BrightWall Installed Around Window
BrightWall is a beautiful basement paneling system and provides a bright touch to any basement, as well as insulation.
BrightWall Channels Water to the WaterGuard
Any water that seeps through or accumulates on this basement wall will be channeled to the WaterGuard by the BrightWall panels.
TripleSafe Sump Installed in Corner
The TripleSafe sump comes with 3 functioning pumps, and provides heightened reliability to the waterproofing system.
FlexiSpan Placed Beneath Window
FlexiSpan will collect any water leaking from this window pane and channel it to the below-the-floor drainage system.
Leaking Wall Crack Covered with FlexiSpan
FlexiSpan will push any leaking water down to the beneath-the-floor drainage system.