Leaky Basement
Here you can see the puddles on the floor. Our SaniDry Sedona dehumidifier and our waterproofing system will eliminate them.
Compromised Storage Space
The owner wanted to keep their storage area in their basement a safe place.
Subfloor Drains
Our WaterGuard drains were installed around the perimeter of the basement underneath the floor. We then finish concrete over them, making them concealed.
WaterGuard Wall Flange
Here you can see the water stained walls. The WaterGuard that sits beneath the floor and against the wall will collect water that drips from the walls and the water that piles up from under the foundation. The WaterGuard comes with wall flanges which will collect water.
Sump Pump and Dehumdifier
The SaniDry dehumidifier ties right into the sump pump, allowing all the moisture it collects to be dumped into the sump pump, making it completely automatic.